The Third Millenium’ Cosmic Polyart | |
«The Sacral Book of ISIS» by Victoria PreobRAzhensky | |
«So now, oh sons of the Thought, listen to Me, to the Speech of the Mother of your mercy, for you have become worthy of the mystery hidden from the Aeons, so that you might receive it. And the consummation of this particular Aeon and of the evil life has approached, and there dawn the beginning of the Aeon to come, which has no change forever.
I am — androgynous.
I am — Mother (and) I am Father, since I Copulate with Myself.
I Copulated with Myself and with those who love Me, and it is through Me Alone that the All stands firm.
I am — the Womb that Gives shape to the all by giving birth to the Light that shines in splendor.
I am — the Aeon to come.
I am — the Fulfillment of the all, that is, Meirothea, the Glory of the Mother.
I Cast Voiced Speech into the ears of those who know Me.
And I am Inviting you into the Exalted, Perfect Light»»
(«Trimorphic Protennoia». Fragment).
So the very time has come, about which in 1991 the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Prophesied on the squares of Rus. Then it was clearly said: do not read the newspapers, do not watch the zombie-box TV, take the children from schools and kindergartens, — educate them yourself, because in educational institutions there is no longer a normal education. And the media are all corrupt and are preparing a new world order for the arrival of the Antichrist-Beast, those who accept his black digital mark by chipping will worship him. Then the reptilian media slandered, resented what is proclaimed by the Community of the «Great White Brotherhood» of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, hung false labels on Her and Her preachers-followers, intimidating all Slavs with non-existent myths. And the result of this lie revealed itself after 30 years. A whole generation of USE victims has grown up — poorly educated, with a distorted worldview. Today's youth, like one-day butterflies, live in one day. It is no coincidence that the generation of the 90s — 2000s is called generation Z, i.e. generation of zombies. They believe everything that the media impose on them and are completely unable to analyze and think independently. It is the youth who go about obediently in muzzles, likening them to a fashionable attribute. But this is idiocy! Obedience to the «Beast system» that raised them. Over the past thirty years, the world has completely degraded. If you can be controlled by notorious villains and scammers, then who are you really? Bonded animals with a digital code on an iPhone leash? But the Nuremberg tribunal forbade any experiments on humans. Why don't you think about what the media feeds you every minute? Or supermarkets, in which everything is artificial, deadly dangerous and filled with materials from aborted babies, in order to gradually, dehumanize all consumers. This information is in the public domain today. But the most of people continues to eat in supermarkets and McDonald's. This is the result of your omnivorousness and degradation. Reptilian invaders use their alien technologies against humanity, dreaming to move to Earth. They are openly destroying the indigenous population with nanotechnology. Clones or alien invaders are hiding under the guise of poisoning-rulers and their poison-governments, completely destroying all countries of the world. But many continue to sleep under their delusional fables about a "deadly disease", compulsory injections, overcrowded hospitals. Which, in fact, are half empty. And those who take liquid poison, hoping to save their bodies from a non-existent pandemic, mostly get sick and die. If such a disaster, then, what kind of world championships on football could be there, which are constantly taking place all over the world? Or, for example, circus performances are advertised for which tickets are sold out in advance. And in the summer, when the media every now and then frightened the population with reports about the «sick», there was not room to swing a cat on the city beaches. Everyone swam and sunbathed with their children. And the ambulance did not take anyone away. Do you even think about how you all get dupe? Turn on your brains and analyze. What is constantly dumped from chemtrails is much more dangerous than the simple flu, which has been raised to the level of dangerous. Particles of barium and aluminum are deposited in the body of living beings, destroying brain cells and exposing a person to painful diseases. One of them is the disease of morgellons, when nanoparticles dropped from chemtrails, spreading inside the body, grow outward. But day and night reptiles are poisoning earthlings with huge batches of poisons thrown into the air. Here's something to worry about. And not to be afraid of acute respiratory infections, or the flu, which lasts only seven days. Any runny nose is the cleansing of the body of accumulated mucus and toxins. more... |
10.02.2022 07:09 (Прочтено: 73) | |
(Text of the Video Address
of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)
Dear viewers!!
I Appeared in the Spirit of the Mother of the World from Above, in the Fohatic Fires and RAinbows on the 11th of Nisan, 1990. Since that time I Have Been Carrying the White Shambala Banner of the Mother of the World, Uniting people of Rus of the future Sixth RAce. For, My Cosmic Task: to Prepare the Transition of earthlings to a New Time Circle — the Formation of the Golden Age, the Epoch of the Holy Spirit, and also to Complete the Separation of good and evil. More than 30 years ago I Appeared in the Historical Center of Rus KIEV, located on the Universal Axis (50 degrees), as was predicted by Nostradamus and other prophets. And with Her Voice She Awakened thousands of Slavs — with the Revelation about the Appearance of the Savior of Rus, about the future TRAnsformation of the Earth and everything that breathes, about the coming of the Antichrist, about chipping him with the «mark of the Beast» (three sixes), about cyberization and biorobots, about all the upcoming events that are now taking place in the world. In White Clothes of Renunciation, I Was Generously Giving everyone My Open Sermon of the Kingdom of Light, Healing the sick and suffering. Those who believed Me left the world and carried the News of the Appearance of the Mother of the World and the forthcoming chipping-digitalization of the faithless. But the globalists did not expect that such masses would suddenly rise and follow the World Femininity. And then they started a full-scale war with the White Slavic Movement of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. The frenzied persecution of the Warriors of Light and the intimidation of the population with all sorts of horror stories began; the people were driven into panic, as now, because lies and whipping up panic and fear are the methods of the dark forces. We were the First to experience all the torture and abuse by the servants of the Antichrist and his "Beast system". The state machine of suppression of any dissent has totally ridden its hard roller, destroying at the root the first shoots of enlightened humanity. And they declared Me and My closest Companions «criminals» through a custom-made trial, prisons and camps. But, when I found Myself in prisons and a camp, among the prisoners, My Spirit was even Stronger. In 1993, after I was put in the Kiev prison of the KGB (SBU) on the false accusation fabricated by the special services, the world began to collapse at a catastrophic pace. Truth was Hidden and Rejected. And this became the cause of karmic Retribution for earthlings. It is impossible to reject Spiritual Missioners, and even more so the Mother of the World Herself — Sophia the Wise, Who is Named the Holy Spirit. All these years I constantly InFormed everyone about the impending concentration camp of the Antichrist and how to Save their souls from this madness. But My Voice remained unheard, because apart from persecution and slander repeated hundreds of times through the media, earthlings never discovered the truth about Maria DEVI CHRISTOS and My, destroyed in 1993 with the help of the state terror of the White Community «Great White Brotherhood», professing Light, Love and Goodness. Therefore, today everyone is zombified with this false propaganda, and continuing to offend My Spirit, they wind up collective negative karma even more. The word pro-pagan-da has in its composition the root pogan, poganiy (in Russian), i.e. what is harmful and poisonous. The people were poisoned with lies and deceit. As a result, it turned his back on the Mother of the World. And the result of today's collapse of this world — is the rejection of the Slavic Savior, Appeared in 1990, in advance, in order to Help earthlings to gain a clear vision and hearing and reject the biblical «Beast system». more... |
21.11.2021 14:15 (Прочтено: 84) | |
What to say! Reptilians were alarmed in earnest, in a hurry to utilize the population of the Earth by all means. The Hands of the Universal Clock are Approaching the End. And soon everyone will see with their own eyes the green muzzles of hydrogen sulfide, and they are terribly afraid of this! That is why they so carefully hide the Sun everywhere (which they do not like so much) with the help of chemtrails and, controlling climatic weapons, they drown cities and villages, artificially change the climate throughout the earth. For example, in Siberia the thermometer shows 32 degrees Celsius, the same is in St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk. Somewhere — is abnormal heat, somewhere — is hurricanes and tornadoes. And the same scenario is played out all over the world. With the help of HAARP installations, there is a simultaneous flooding of cities and villages in different countries. At the same time, some ordinary people are indignant on the Internet, they say, it was necessary to clean the storm-water drain systems in time, or not to build up coastal places by the sea, or write off everything as retribution of the forces of Nature. Here, for example, like this: «Nature corrects the mistakes of people! Don't break the laws of nature! Take care of nature as our ancestors took care of nature! Nature is life! Nothing can be built near water bodies, rivers, and so on beaches, where there are dunes and sand — building is prohibited by the law of nature! Greed has ruined a person!» All this is partly true, but not so critical, since the reason for all this is the one: the general utilization of earthlings by the lizard-invaders. In their submission — are all world rulers who, at the behest of their masters, carry out a new world disorder. And this is chaos, planned deaths and the complete seizure of the Earth's territory. In the Russian Federation, for example, in connection with the adopted law on evacuation, the special services are intensively working out a plan to clean up the territories from the indigenous population. Crimea, southern Russia, near and far abroad — everywhere tropical torrential rains, storms, hurricanes with catastrophic consequences. In one word: ApoCALYpse! Zombo-media does not stop frightening earthlings and sending them to vaccination points. People in muzzles — a law-abiding herd, stand in lines for the approaching end and all those who turned out to be against this atrocity. Chipping of pokémon continues, side effects and deaths from this procedure grow every day, but are carefully hidden from the public. But nevertheless, information that exposes all plans of the globalists comes to the surface everywhere. And the zombo-media continue to blather and whip up fears, but those who are aware of the reality may well dispel these fears and avoid this black action of utilizers. On the one hand, utilizers do their job — they cleanse the planet of parasitic consumers, who are not interested in anything other than fulfilling their needs. On the other hand, getting rid of ballast, the planet builds up vibrations, passing the critical point of no return: after the black action is completed, Light Delight will Burst! There will come a TRANSFORMATION of consciousness of those who have passed the exam for FAITH — Knowledge of the RA. And those who are filled with Fohat — will rejoice, glorifying the Name of the Triune Mother of all that exists — Maitreya. more... |
25.08.2021 17:21 (Прочтено: 106) | |
Ideological Platform the Mother of the World –
The Fundamental Cosmic Laws of Eternal Life of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS
1. You shall love the Mother of Light — with all your heart, with all your soul and consciousness!
The Mother of the World — is the Great Unmanifest Ein-Soph and Supreme Divine Personality, Absolute of the Universe and an Inexhaustible Source of Light, the first Idea of the Creation and the First Thought. She gave birth to the World and to everything that in it. She gave birth to Her Father and Son. She is the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. All Powers are in Her One. And She is One in all Powers. She is the Harmony and the Eternity. The darkness and the Light. The Man and the Woman. The Moon and the Sun. The Day and the Night. Everything is in Her. The Eternal Word and Mercy. The Good and LOVE. The Beauty and the RAdiance, the Justice and the Law, the Strictness and the Order, the Gold and the Silver, the Microcosm and the Macrocosm, the Human Spiritus (a Being of Cosmic Consciousness) and the Nature — that is all SHE! Mother of the World has ten thousand Names. And one of them is Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. This Name is carried today by White Tara, Maytraiya, Savioress and Consoleress of the Earth. She descended to the transient world in the Image of a Homo Spiritus-Christos-Messiah of the Age of Aquarius. And, Staying in the lowest slowed frequencies of the receding world of Darkness, She is Filled with Absolute Vibrations, Rescues the souls of loving children, fallen into Darkness. There is nothing Higher of This Power, neither on the Earth nor in the Heaven! Great is She and Multidimensional for the comprehension of Starseeds. But, everybody, who will be attracted by the Magnet of the Mother of the World, will find Eternal Knowledge and Eternal Life.
To Love with the heart and the soul means: will connect with the Holy Spirit — the Great Mother — the Source of Light, will grow in Her luminous blood, will fill by Her Fohat (Light), and will become Her co-creators, personifications and sowers of the Light in the Universe.
To Love with Your consciousness means: to comprehend, to realize, to take into your mind the Great Word of the Mother of the World, Her LOVE and Knowledge about the Absolute of Light, to flow into Macrocosm and to became One with the Light-Cloth of the Mother of Light, which Weaves the World-Creation and everything in It.
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06.08.2021 22:04 (Прочтено: 60) | |
Key of «The Prayer of Light»©
of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS.
And some Predictions and Warnings
«…Their ultimate goal: insert chips for everyone and control society completely. Elite, bankers and rulers will control the whole world…» (from a conversation between Nick
Rockefeller and Aaron Russo).
So, the denouement of the tangle of recent events — is close. Earthlings are intensively divided into two camps — the slaves of the reptilian invaders of the planet and those who go against the tide. But there are only a few of the latters. This is the resistance to the «system of the Beast», which is fighting and will continue to fight against the Antichrist in all possible ways to the end. I advise you to watch the films: «Visitors» (2009-2011) and «Aliens» (or «V — the sign of Victoria, Victory») (1983). There, a small group of resistance to alien invaders (reptilians) undermines their plans and in every possible way prevents the destruction of humanity. These films are very informative. It really shows what the invaders are doing with the earthlings and how they, with the help of total lies and the seizure of world power, survived and destroyed the indigenous humanity of the Earth. And this is not fantasy. This is information that should be known to everyone today. more... |
19.07.2021 21:23 (Прочтено: 94) | |
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21.03.2021 18:35 (Прочтено: 73) | |
«It was important to act quickly after the coronavirus outbreak — even more quickly than was the case»
(Bill Gates).
Yeah, the behind-the-scenes tycoons of world imperialism, led by billionaire Bill Gates, the main initiator of the reduction of the «unnecessary» population of the planet, have rushed in earnest. These reptiles dream of «eternal life», drinking in human blood, and that soon, with the help of artificially created viruses, deadly vaccines, hunger and wars, they will destroy millions of Earth's inhabitants, leaving themselves only the servants of remotely controlled slaves.
Microsoft patent WO/2020/060606 was registered on March 24, 2020. Pay attention to its talking number with three sixes, frankly indicating whose project it is. And who would doubt that this is a project of the Antichrist, whose «mark of the Beast» is placed everywhere: on documents, on goods, on those living on Earth. This patent covers mining, digital currency and third party control over all chipped. Also, the social status of a citizen will soon appear, when the state, on the basis of various data, will determine the level of your reliability. In China, such a system already exists, but it has not yet been introduced totally and not with all the functions. But all this is only a matter of time...
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15.03.2021 17:12 (Прочтено: 98) | |
New Book by Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya «The Miracle of Knowledge».
«The New Book of TheoSoph and SophioLog Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya «The Miracle of Knowledge» is the Open Answers of the Mother of the World to those who know. Her Teaching, Spiritual Path and PhiloSophy of Life. Live Communication with learners, followers, listeners, interested persons, as well as representatives of individual newspapers and magazines. The time spread in the Answers covers the period from the mid-90s of the last century to the most recent time: 2020. The Book is informative for the reader interested in the questions of inner self-knowledge, the search for Truth, the acquisition of the Spiritual Path».
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya
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26.11.2020 22:47 (Прочтено: 122) | |
«The Messiah of the Aquarian Age — Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS — Showed humanity to the Way out of impasse of consciousness during the global crisis of the Earth civilization. Her Spiritual Heritage — It Is an Invaluable Experience of Mother-Protectress of the planet Earth, Embodied on the end twentieth century in the Image of Eshatological Sophia-SOThIs-Isis, a partial Incarnation of the Mother «Agni Yoga» Hl. Roerich»
«AND SHE HAS COME from THE KINGDOM OF LIGHT in order to RESIST THE LAWLESSNESS, DEATH and HATRED, THE WORLD EVIL and DECEIT, into which mankind has been plunged by the Prince of Darkness and his legion. She Has Performed in Matter the Light Mystery of the Spirit, Turning Darkness into Light!»
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)
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14.11.2020 22:08 (Прочтено: 117) | |
The phenomenon of the Second Coming of CHRISTOS,
or the Explantation of the Planetary Logos
into the Body of the Feminine Principle!
««...The Absolute is the Male and Female Principle in the One Face. On the Earth, the Holy Spirit Manifested in the Image of Jesus Christos — the Male Beginning and in the Female — His Spouses — Maria Magdalene. Both Origins Appeared Themselves a millennium ago — Individually. After the Ascension of Jesus and Maria into the Kingdom of Heaven, the Two Spirits were in Unity, like the Heavenly Husband and Wife. When the hour of the Second Coming of Christos came to Earth, the Spirit of Light was to be embodied again in the human image in the Body (the soul — the Eternal-Feminine Beginning of the Mother of Light)!... »
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31.10.2020 22:57 (Прочтено: 91) | |
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